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How to get a Birth Certificate from Cuba?

Sep 8 , 2023

Certifications attesting the civil status of persons may be issued according to the entries in the Civil Status Register, either in the form of Certifications in extract or literal Certifications. The first ones include essential data of the entry, registration and are issued in accordance with alterations produced by the marginal notes entered. The second are a true copy of the entry and its notes or of the document in question and are issued on an exceptional basis. This time, we will guide you onhow to get a birth certificate from Cuba.

Besides the general information on birth certificates, the birth certificate includes the date of registration, first and last names of the registered person, place of birth (municipality, province), date of birth, sex, first and last names of the parents and their place of birth, names of the maternal and paternal grandparents, as well as a record of the deed by which the registration was made.

How to obtain your Birth Certificate with Opapeleo?

Cubans, or children of Cubans, residing outside the island may apply for this procedure. A copy of the original Birth Certificate is required for this.

What if I do not have a copy of the original Birth Certificate?

In that case, you should provide us with:

  • Full name – as stated on identity card and passport.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Volume and folio (if available)
  • Parents’ full names.
  • Names of grandparents’ (from mother’s side and father’s side).

Once the information is available, Opapeleo will verify whether the process can proceed without difficulties, as some entities have changed modalities of operation or have become inactive due to the pandemic.

If any additional legalisation is required at the Cuban MinRex or any other Cuban diplomatic institution, additional costs and a longer processing time are involved. For any further information, please contact us directly.

Ways to get your Birth Certificate 100% online

Opapeleo offers this service using a 100% online system. For this purpose:

  • Please select the Birth Certificate option on our website.
  • After completing the requested information and checking whether it is correct, you will need to proceed with the payment.
  • Once the process is complete, you will receive an email or SMS notification and your document will be sent to you anywhere in the United States in an envelope via FedEx with a trackingnumber, so you can track your shipment to its final destination.
  • If you are resident in another country, we will deliver your Certificate by post to the address you provide.

If you prefer using the phone, Opapeleo is the only agency covering seven days a week from 8AM to 8PM; you can complete the process by calling 202-800-4141.

Getting a Birth Certificate issued in Cuba takes 21 to 30 working days once all the information has been received and the fee is US$350.

Opapeleo is located 150 meters from the Cuban Consulate in Washington DC and is ready to assist you, by making your process easier and faster by providing on-going notifications during every part of your process.

About Us

Opapeleo is your agency for procedures 100% online or telephone. We are in Washington DC 150 meters away from the Cuban Consulate. We provide services for the Extension and Renewal of Cuban passport, Legalisations, Powers of attorney on all kinds, Authorisations for minors to leave the country, DVT, Visas to Cuba, Top-ups, applications for Cuban certificates, delivery of official documents and all kinds of procedures related to Cuba.


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