Residence in Cuba requires the fulfillment of requirements, the presentation of documents and can be applied for from abroad or by a family member.
New regulations for small and medium enterprises in Cuba
Decree-Law 88/2024, which establishes new regulations for the operation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises...
Legalization of educational documents in Cuba
Legalize your Cuban educational documents abroad with Opapeleo.
Consular offices of Cuba: Medical assistance abroad
The Cuban Consulate provides protection and emergency medical assistance to its citizens abroad.
Notifying the Cuban Consulate of a change of residence abroad
Cuban expatriates must notify the Cuban Consulate of changes of address in order to receive notices and important documents.
Apply for a criminal record in Cuba
A criminal record certificate is an official document that certifies whether a person has a criminal record. A clean...
Cuban embassies around the world
From their origins, embassies have evolved as a form of cooperation between nations, a way of bringing countries...
Green Card Lost Outside the United States, What Should I Do?
Opapeleo explains what to do if you are outside of the United States and have lost your green card.
Traveling Abroad Without a U.S. Green Card
Opapeleo explains how to travel abroad if you are still waiting for your green card to arrive in the US.
How can I get my divorce decree legalized outside of Cuba?
Opapeleo gives us the answers to how you can get a divorce in Cuba.
Legalization of Cuban Documents Abroad
Opapeleo provides Cubans living abroad with the means to legalize their documents.
New service: Legal Advice for Legal Matters
Opapeleo tells you about our new legal advice service for all matters relating to the law in Cuba.
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