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How can I get a business visa for Cuba?

Feb 8 , 2024

UPDATE: As of summer 2024, physical cards will no longer be issued. Opapeleo is the first to offer electronic Visas 100% online, complying with the new requirements in force. Get your electronic Visa quickly and easily!

When it comes to travelling to Cuba, as in many other areas, the country has its peculiarities. When travel arrangements are combined with foreigners’ business dealings with companies on the island, these distinctions become even more blurred. An understanding of the Cuban business environment and its mechanisms is essential if you are interested in investing or exchanging services in the country.

What is the purpose of business visas?

If you are representing a company or you are a trader who wishes to travel to Cuba with a business focus, you need to know the Cuban market or you need to travel directly to Cuba to complete such procedures, you will need a business visa, which has different application procedures than a tourist or other type of visa, as well as different requirements to apply for.

You must have an import or export licence for companies with which you enter into agreements or trade. These entities will be an important part of the representation of foreigners with commercial interests on the island; not just any Cuban citizen can fulfil this function of exchanging goods and services with peers from other countries.

Important: Please make sure that the person or company you wish to trade with in Cuba has the legal status to act as the business entity requesting entry to the country, failure to meet these requirements will result in a failed business visa application.

Visas required to do business in Cuba

The A-7 visa is available for business or services:

It is perfect for foreigners who want to explore the business opportunities in the Cuban market and the potential of their offer in the country.

If you have not already done business with a Cuban company, you can use this visa to start your journey.

The D-7 visa is the visa used for commercial representatives or commercial agents:

This visa is for the purpose of carrying out commercial or business activities with the express consent of the Cuban authorities and therefore requires a letter of invitation.

This document certifies the interest of a Cuban company or entity engaged in commercial activities (provided that it has the necessary credentials for this type of activity) in having one or more of its representatives travel to Cuba to carry out agreements or transactions related to the activities carried out by both companies.

Applications for a business visa can be made by the person representing the company who will be travelling to the country, or by the company itself on behalf of one of its agents. The application must be made to a Cuban trade office in the country of residence.

You can apply in person at the consulate of your country of residence. You can also apply via the consulate’s website, if this service is available. Non-personal processing costs would be added in these cases.

Documents to submit

  • A valid passport with a minimum of 6 months remaining on its validity.
  • Personal photo meeting the requirements
  • Completed visa application form (A-7 or D-7)

At the time of application, the fee set for this service must be paid.

At the time of travel, if you are granted a visa, you will also be required to present the following documents

  • Air ticket (physical or electronic), which is proof of the itinerary of your return flight to your home country or to a third country.
  • Your health insurance policy

About Us

Opapeleo is your procedure agency 100% online or by phone We are in Washington DC 150 meters away from the Cuban Consulate. We provide services for extension and Renewal of Cuban passports, Legalizations, Powers of attorney of all kinds, authorizations for minors to leave Cuba, DVT, Visas to Cuba, Toptups, requests for Cuban certificates, sending of oddicial documents and all kinds of procedures related to Cuba.

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