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Registering to operate in Cuba

Aug 20 , 2024

The most important aspects of a country’s economy depend on its business management. In each economic model, whether national or local, there are guidelines for the organization of these entities so that the production of goods and services needed by the place is articulated between them and other forms of management.

Due to these economic logics, each country has its own business register, so that these forms of management comply with a set of values in accordance with the laws of the country and obey their duty to tax part of their income for social welfare. The registration of a company implies a legal obligation to comply with existing contracts.

Companies in Cuba

Although Cuba is not an ordinary country and the opening of the economy has been a gradual and relatively recent process, it also has its own regulatory framework for the business environment. This framework has mutated in recent years, providing opportunities for the creation of new types of businesses in the country.

A key element of these new measures is the possibility for Cubans and foreigners to have private companies operating in the country, with the only limit being the size of these companies. Currently, it is possible to create micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Cuba, either privately owned, state-owned or a combination of the two.

In order to operate in Cuban territory, each type of company must comply with a series of requirements and obtain permits. Some of the types of companies that need to be registered in Cuba are: MSMEs, joint ventures or companies with foreign capital, non-agricultural cooperatives, foreign entrepreneurs authorized to operate in Cuba, etc.

Steps to Register a Company in Cuba

  1. Go to a commercial registry office: the place where these procedures are performed in each territory.
  2. Provide the required documents according to your business modality: an official will check them thoroughly and the necessary verifications will be made by the competent authorities.

Documents to be submitted

The first step is to complete an application form, which requires a notarized signature.

Similarly, a power of attorney must be drawn up appointing a natural person to act as the company’s representative, who must also provide a curriculum vitae.

You will need to provide a detailed report on the products or services that you will be providing as a company. In addition, a report by a Cuban bank analyzing the person’s or entity’s economic performance in recent months.

Each type of business has its own specific requirements, so you may need to provide additional information.

About Us

Opapeleo is your procedure agency 100% online or by phone We are in Washington DC 150 meters away from the Cuban Consulate. We provide services for extension and Renewal of Cuban passports, Legalizations, Powers of attorney of all kinds, authorizations for minors to leave Cuba, DVT, Visas to Cuba, Toptups, requests for Cuban certificates, sending of oddicial documents and all kinds of procedures related to Cuba.

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