Worldwide, migratory movements occur in different directions, caused by and aimed at different goals. While some are fleeing conflict situations and cannot aspire to a planned life, others are organizing and securing their future in the destination country before they travel. This applies to those who wish to practice their profession and therefore need to have their educational qualifications validated for use abroad.
Legalization in Cuba
In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the popularity and demand for the legalization of diplomas for use abroad. The entity that performs this process in the country is the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), in collaboration with specialized law firms, legal consultancies or other legal entities in the country.
This phenomenon takes place in the context of a growing exodus of professionals, not only because of the wave of migration that the country is experiencing, but also because of the appearance of new and better ways to improve their skills that exist outside the country through semi- or completely free scholarships.
Despite steadily increasing demand – and after a period of delays and public dissatisfaction – MINREX has succeeded in stabilizing this service, speeding up the delivery of legalized documents and reducing the waiting time to just 10 working days, as required by the Ministry’s regulations.
What is the purpose of a legalized title?
If the degree is obtained in Cuba, it is stamped with the seal of legality for use in the country, but in order to use it abroad, it has to meet the requirements agreed worldwide, for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs certifies its validity according to the parameters corresponding to the country of use.
Note 1: In some cases, the document must also be legalized in the embassy or consulate of the country of destination in Cuba to verify that it complies with the regulations of that nation’s territory.
How to get a Cuban Document legalized to use abroad?
This procedure cannot be handled directly by the person concerned, but requires the services of a lawyer, either from a specialized law firm or from an international legal consultancy. These bodies are responsible for mediating between the interested party and MINREX. They also ensure the effectiveness of the process.
In order to legalize your diploma, you must present it at the office where you wish to obtain the service (after being informed if you need to make an appointment), bring your identity card, the stamps corresponding to the procedure to be performed and pay for the contracted service in cash.
Note 2If you do not have the original title or a copy in your possession, please provide the information you have so that it can be found in the appropriate files. Some of the possible data that can be used in the search are
- Volume and Folio
- Educational institution/faculty/specialty
- Start and completion date of studies
- The location of the educational institution
Is it possible to know the status of my legalization?
It is now possible to check the progress of a document’s legalization online, thanks to a portal created by the Legalization Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba (MINREX).
By accesinglegalizaciones.minrex.gob.cuand following the steps below to find out the status of your application:
- Select “Propietario de Documento” and enter the required data to perform the search: “Entidad Tramitadora” and Full Name (Titular).
- To verify that you are not a robot, please enter the letters shown in the image.
Can I get my Cuban Diploma legalized to be used abroad when I’m outside of Cuba?
The answer to this question depends on the country you are in and its relations with the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but in the case of the United States, you can use the services of a Cuban consular agency to carry out this procedure for you.
Opapeleo provides the service of obtaining and legalizing Cuban educational documents for use abroad. Visit our website to learn more about what we offer and to see feedback from clients who have hired us to do this.
About Us
Opapeleo is your agency for procedures 100% online or telephone. We are in Washington DC 150 meters away from the Cuban Consulate. We provide services for the Extension and Renewal of Cuban Passport, Legalizations, Powers of attorney on all kinds, Authorisations for minors to leave the country, DVT, Visas to Cuba, Top-ups, applications for Cuban certificates, delivery of official documents and all kinds of procedures related to Cuba.