The Cuban Ministry of Public Health has announced that health protocols will change from Wednesday 6 April 2022. In line with the international and national COVID-19 epidemiological situation and the immunisation levels achieved, the following modifications to the requirements for entry into the country as part of the International Health Check have been approved. According to Francisco Durán García, national director of Epidemiology at Minsap, the easing measures will enter into force on 6 April.
- Remove as a requirement for entry into the country the submission of a COVID-19 test (antigen test or PCR-RT) performed in the country of origin, as well as the COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
- Random testing for SARS CoV-2 (free of charge) will continue for travellers at points of entry into the country, considering the number of flights, entry of vessels and the epidemiological risk of the country of origin.
- In case of a positive test result of the sample obtained at the point of entry, the procedure shall be according to the protocols established within the country for the clinical epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19.
- Social distancing, hand and surface disinfection at all points of entry into the country remain in place and all existing measures and procedures remain effective.
- Face masks are still mandatory at all points of entry into the country.